svelte_vs_react_weather_forecast Svelte Themes


My subjective comparison between Svelte and React

Two sides of same simple weather forecast application written in Svelte and React

Main aim? Emphasize differences between Svelte and React to find better choise under rules: simplicity, from start to end time of write, code redability.

What is sure beyond the comparison?

  1. Svelte is declarative and compiled before production,
  2. React is imperative and has got virtual DOM,
  3. React is more popular then Svelte,
  4. React is better choise to find job,
  5. Svelte has got smaller bundle therefore is better for SEO,
  6. Svelte is faster,
  7. Svelte has got simplier learning curve,
  8. Both have got different dedicated meta frameworks for SSR and SSG: Svelte -> SvelteKit, React -> Next.js

What can be took of after comparison?

  1. Svelte application to be writed require less time,
  2. Svelte has got better readability,
  3. Svelte has got lifecycle functions out of the box when React has got tricky versions like useEffect,
  4. Svelte has got storages which are more predictable and readable,
  5. React is nearest Vanilla JS DOM then Svelte which exists with syntax far outside,
  6. React is more complicated in each scenario which Svelte resolve in simple manner

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