svelte-chat-plugin Svelte Themes

Svelte Chat Plugin

Vite Plugin for svelte-chat solution


The sveltekit plugin for svelte-chat solution

Swift description

Plugin for svelte-chat which in conjuction with @svelte-chat/gui makes remakable chat experiences which at least can handle cases from your online shop etc... full documentation

  • This plugin is required to handle communication demanded by frontend solution part which is the @svelte-chat/gui
  • Use only with @svelte-chat/gui to make full svelte-chat solution


  1. SvelteKit app,
  2. MongoDB configured on port 27017

Installation (as always - for npm)

$ npm i @svelte-chat/plugin

You're one step in front of finish line (whole soultion implementation isn't accounted):

1st: Use svelteChatPlugin which embedds all source functionalities (with administration included)

// vite.config.{js,ts}
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
// Import plugin from module
import { svelteChatPlugin } from "@svelte-chat/plugin";

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [sveltekit(), svelteChatPlugin()]

Fine grainded configuration

Fine grained configuartion covers for moment ports configuration for: basic app communication, admin app and all these optionally and separately.
You have to pass config as JSON content for your Device Environment Variable SVELTE_CHAT

Configuration JSON Overlay:

    /* Admin app - Where serves app under whose you can manage clien cases */
    "admin_server": {
        "port": 10502
    /* App communcation - so where your client-side will be call, to get and send informations */
    "server": {
        "port": 10501

Ok, So when we defined what you can configure, to make this work and end fine-grained configuration you must pass such short config to device environment varaible SVELTE_CHAT

How to run app correctly?

Always will be correct for bash CLI (beyond powershell and cmd):

  1. Developement mode
    $ ORIGIN="admin_server.port" npm run dev
  2. In production as node app (after transiple sveltekit to node.js handler by use @sveltejs/adapter-node):
    $ ORIGIN="admin_server.port" node .
  • Be aware:
    • ORIGIN="admin_server.port" - where is determined "admin_server.port" gives location where your admin_server exists. E.g:
      • Default value should always be 10502 -> in space when you didn't configured Fine grainded configuration admin_server.port number,
      • When you change Fine grainded configuration admin_server.port number you should put that value here

        This isn't my idea but determined via how transpiled to node.js sveltekit app works. Please don't be angry on me 😍!

Other worth informations

  1. Default Admin App port is 10502,
  2. Default App communcation port is 10501 (for this port will be call @svelte-chat/gui client),
  3. It works fully as a vite sveltekit plugin,
  4. To store all datas we use MongoDB local database on default port 27017


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All what you should know about Copyrights is that all code base is under Apache 2.0

Made with ❤️ by kotekpsotek

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