
Sveltekit Clickhouse

A simple fun test project to demonstrate how SvelteKit works with Yandex Clickhouse DB

Docker + SvelteKit + Clickhouse

Test project

Run docker container with local Clickhouse and SvelteKit

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

When Clickhouse starts up (1-5 minutes), you can open the playground localhost:8123/play or open localhost:3000/ in your browser.


1.✅ Create a Clickhouse database (spin a local CH server)

2.✅ Create the following tables (inspired by our Food delivery app):

✅ products: id, price, no_discount_flag (bool)

✅ cart_products: id, product_id, amount

✅ coupons: id, discount_value (% of product price)

  1. ✅ Populate it with some random test data

  2. ✅ Todo: write an SQL query calculating the final price of a customer's cart, keeping in mind that:

  • cart_products may contain both no_discount and discounted products

  • total_cart_price = discount_total + no_discount_total + tax (10%)

As a bonus, a very simple Svelte home page has been added, illustrating the CH call via the HTTP API. @depyronick/clickhouse-client

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