Rational Unified Process (RUP) Exploration: A Fitness-Based App Built with Node.js, Express, and Svelte.js

This project was developed to explore the principles of Rational Unified Process (RUP) such as elaboration and construction. The app was created with Node.js and Express as the backend and Svelte.js as the frontend technology. The fitness-based app offers a minor ecosystem for users, personal trainers, and administrators to improve their health and lifestyle. The project served as an opportunity to experiment with different methodologies and technologies.

The Svelte.js app comes with a comprehensive project template, including instructions on how to get started with setting up a new project using degit. Once the dependencies are installed, the app can be run in development mode by executing npm run dev. By default, the server only responds to requests from localhost, but this can be changed by editing the sirv commands in package.json.

To create an optimized version of the app, run npm run build. This creates a version of the app that can be run in production mode by executing npm run start. The app can be deployed to the web using platforms like Heroku, Vercel, or Surge. The template also offers options for single-page app mode and using TypeScript.

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