
This project demonstrates how to drive your E2E tests with CodeceptJS - Playwright inside a svelte project.

How to use

This is done using CodeceptJS


This test uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

Installation and build Frontend project

This requires Node.js v14+ to run.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies.

cd svelte-fun
npm i

Start the local project

cd svelte-fun
npm run dev

How to trigger E2E test

cd ./__tests__/e2e
npm i

To start the local and run e2e tests:

npm run ci

Example output

PS C:\Users\nguyenth\Desktop\Svelte-fun> npm run ci

> [email protected] ci
> start-server-and-test dev http://localhost:8080 test

1: starting server using command "npm run dev"
and when url "[ 'http://localhost:8080' ]" is responding with HTTP status code NaN
running tests using command "npm run test"

> [email protected] dev
> rollup -c -w

rollup v2.79.1
bundles src/main.js โ†’ public/build/bundle.js...
LiveReload enabled
created public/build/bundle.js in 529ms

[2022-12-20 15:53:41] waiting for changes...

> [email protected] start
> sirv public --no-clear --dev

  Your application is ready~! ๐Ÿš€

  - Local:      http://localhost:8080
  - Network:    Add `--host` to expose

โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ LOGS โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

  [15:53:44] 200 โ”€ 4.92ms โ”€ /

> [email protected] test
> cd ./__tests__/e2e/ && npx codeceptjs run --verbose

CodeceptJS v3.3.7 #StandWithUkraine
Using test root "C:\Users\nguyenth\Desktop\Svelte-fun\__tests__\e2e"
Helpers: Playwright, PixelmatchHelper
Plugins: screenshotOnFail, tryTo, retryTo, eachElement

Bookstore --
    [1]  Starting recording promises
 ยป [Session] Starting singleton browser session
  Bookstore is showing
    --- STARTED "before each" hook: Before for "Bookstore is showing" ---
    I am on page "/"
  [15:53:51] 200 โ”€ 2.87ms โ”€ //
  [15:53:51] 200 โ”€ 1.27ms โ”€ /global.css
  [15:53:51] 200 โ”€ 3.15ms โ”€ /build/bundle.css
  [15:53:51] 200 โ”€ 3.39ms โ”€ /build/bundle.js
    --- ENDED "before each" hook: Before for "Bookstore is showing" ---
    I check visual differences "bookstore.png"
    ยป Check differences in bookstore.png ...
    ยป Load image from C:\Users\nguyenth\Desktop\Svelte-fun\__tests__\e2e\output/bookstore.png ...
    ยป Load image from C:\Users\nguyenth\Desktop\Svelte-fun\__tests__\e2e\tests\screenshots\base/bookstore.png ...
    ยป Difference: 0% | 0 / 921600 pixels
  โˆš OK in 349ms

  Adding new book
    --- STARTED "before each" hook: Before for "Adding new book" ---
    I am on page "/"
  [15:53:52] 200 โ”€ 2.08ms โ”€ //
  [15:53:52] 200 โ”€ 3.76ms โ”€ /global.css
  [15:53:52] 200 โ”€ 2.54ms โ”€ /build/bundle.css
  [15:53:52] 200 โ”€ 2.81ms โ”€ /build/bundle.js
    --- ENDED "before each" hook: Before for "Adding new book" ---
    bookstorePage: addNewBook 
      I fill field "#title", "New book"
      I fill field "#price", "120"
      I fill field "#description", "This is a new book"
      I click "#addNewBook button"
    I see "This is a new book"
  โˆš OK in 1074ms

  Add a book to cart
    --- STARTED "before each" hook: Before for "Add a book to cart" ---
    I am on page "/"
  [15:53:54] 200 โ”€ 1.58ms โ”€ //
  [15:53:54] 200 โ”€ 0.65ms โ”€ /global.css
  [15:53:54] 200 โ”€ 6.35ms โ”€ /build/bundle.css
  [15:53:54] 200 โ”€ 4.33ms โ”€ /build/bundle.js
    --- ENDED "before each" hook: Before for "Add a book to cart" ---
    bookstorePage: addNewBook 
      I fill field "#title", "New book"
      I fill field "#price", "120"
      I fill field "#description", "This is a new book"
      I click "#addNewBook button"
    bookstorePage: buyBook 
      I click "//button[text()="Buy"]"
    I see "Total Price: 120"
  โˆš OK in 1182ms

  OK  | 3 passed   // 5s

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