hades Svelte Themes


An easy way to share Pact of Punishment and Mirror of Night setups for the game, Hades, by Supergiant Games.


An easy way to share Pact of Punishment and Mirror of Night setups for the video game, Hades, by Supergiant Games.

The speedrunning community likes to use shorthand like "DC2" which is jibberish to anyone not used to it. This tool makes sharing these setups more accesible by presenting a UI that's similar to in-game and offering descriptions of each item. Shared links look like this: https://hades.pages.dev/?q=431929100199902

If you can get (or have) the in-game icons for the Pact or Mirror, please share! They weren't on the wiki.

But actually:

I just wanted an excuse to check out Svelte and SvelteKit. I also wanted to see whether Cloudflare Pages was any good (it's nice!). To run locally,

Install dependencies:

npm install

Then run:

npm run dev

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