svelte-game-client Svelte Themes

Svelte Game Client

This repository serves as a starting point to get up and running quickly with web games built on top of Svelte.

My personal repo

This repo is a work in progress and is currently my personal thing. Feel free to fork or ask questions about it, but expect things to change drastically.


This is a highly opinionated monorepo for game dev using web tech.

The stack is:

Run the client locally

nvm use
npm install
npm run dev

Run the server locally

touch .env and add:

cd svelte-game-server
npm install
npm run dev


Code base quirks

  • Global styling is done like so: :global(.anElement .anotherElement.anotherElement). It has to do with how Svelte is applying their automatic classes for scoping. It might be possible to skip the extra .anotherElement in the future. Skipping it now makes development and production run differentiating CSS.

  • .env (development) & .env.production (production) are injected into src/constants/ENV_VARS.js. Trying to parse import.meta.X won't work in Svelte files, due to vite crashing when there is CSS in the files that they parse.

  • This repo utilizes sveltekit-autoimport ( hence some .svelte and .js imports seem to magically appear out of nowhere. See vite.config.js to see what's going on. For const { someStoreProperty } = STORES to work properly, a bunch of code has been abstracted into /src/store for ease of use.

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