Originally I thought Covid-19 will be ended within serveral months, it turns out in 2021/06, pandemic is still here. This simple app is not intended to be large-scale, I decided to close the website and only code is available.

Please refer to official govenment website to get the correct information

Fukuoka COVID-19 Information

How to run

  1. Clone this repository
  2. npm install
  3. npm start to start mock server and SSR.

How to develop

  1. You can run npm start to start mock server and npm run dev to start rollup.
  2. All assets would be placed in /public folder
  3. When you finished, create a pull request


This application is built on top of svelte. Keep in mind this is intended that I didn't introduce bunch of library because I want to save network traffic and make user open this application as soon as possible.




While it's always welcomed to fork and create your own version, please link back to original website and expose my name Kalan on your repository, website.

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