This is a go + svelte based application to control your computer from another device. This is intended only for simple media, mouse and keyboard control. You must also be on the same network as the host. Overall a wireless mouse and keyboard would be way better.
You might be interested in rustdesk which is more advanced and allows for connections between different networks.
This project used robotgo which has some requirements/dependencies.
For now you will need to compile it yourself:
git clone
npm install
npm run build
go run server.go
If you need help, create an issue.
If you plan to only use a mobile device without a physical keyboard (phones, tablets, etc..), then the UI is pretty self explainatory, and you can stop reading this section.
When you load the website, you are in normal mode, there are three other modes you can join: mouse mode, reverse mouse mode, and key mode.
Mouse mode is to help move the move easier, although it only works on pcs/laptops
since mobile devices don't have a mouse/trackpad. You can enter/exit mouse mode
by either using ctrl+m
or by pressing the label that says 'mouse mode'.
While in mouse mode, when you move your mouse, the host pc's mouse also moves.
If your viewport is small, you will find that often times you will reach the max height
or max width and still need to travel further. You can turn off mouse mode (ctrl+m
reposition your mouse and then start again. But this is pretty tedious, so instead
you can enter reverse mouse mode, by pressing r
, and now as your mouse moves
left, the host pc's mouse moves right. When in reverse mouse mode the label for
'mouse mode' will be red instead of blue.
Key mode is to help press keys on the pc easier, when you press a key on your
laptop/pc it'll mirror it to the host pc. Obviously doesn't work on mobile devices either.
Some key combinations might not work like ctrl+m
, ctrl+c
since this program use it
and other combinations like ctrl+w
will not work since browsers don't send it to the
keyboard event, and instead just close.
I guess you could use a bluetooth keyboard or mouse on your mobile device, but you might aswell just connect it to the host pc instead.
toggle key modectrl+m
toggle mouse moder
toggle reverse mouse modectrl+c
click regardless of modec
to click m
mute volume+
or =
increase audio-
decrease audio<Space>
audio pause<Escape>
press escape on host pcTODO