This is a repo decumenting my journey experimenting with Svelte. This is nothing serious, just pure exploration and feeding my thirst for knowledge (or curiosity). Having already worked extensively with angular (and contributed to the community via stackoverflow), I hope to make a rough comparison between the two frameworks.
I love angular, BTW

Getting started

Make sure you have node and npm installed
clone the repo cd into the repo run npm i
run npm run start
open your browser and point it to the address provided in the terminal. It something like http://localhost:33229, but the port changes
Is it a framework? Is is a compiler? Is it both? To find out I started with this temmplate. I am using a nice set of youtube tutorials by "The Net Ninja". I gotta warn you though. This ninja moves fast!

Impressions (Mostly in Comparison to Angular)

Day 1
It rebuilds instantly on save. Maybe this is more related to rollup, but still, I dig
Day 3
Coming from angular, its hilarious how familiar this is. The syntax is definitely different, but so far I find it more expressive
Day ... I lost count
No built-in form valudation. Dang!

(Day ... I lost count)+1
State management is built-in? Sweeet.

Project 1

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