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Proman Svelte

Recreating a scrum board application with Svelte frontend

ProMan (sprint 1)

Information about the project

The current version of the project was cloned of an educational project. It was the result of 2 sprints which lasted one week each, and the developer team consisted of two people. The original project can be found at:


This website is currently untested, our goal is the following:

  • Clean the code
  • Plan a test strategy based on the Required Features listed below.
  • Plan and write manual test cases
  • Write automated integration, API, UI and acceptance tests with further exploratory testing for finding rare bugs.
  • Make a report file (report.xls) which includes detailed bug description, bad practice UX notices and a detailed list of additional/missing features.
  • Optionally try and fix the bugs and implement the additional/missing features.

Required Features

  1. Create an overview page that lists the existing boards.

    • When a logged-out user opens the main page, a list of the public boards appear(/).
  2. Allow the logged-in user to add new boards.

    • There is a "Create new board" button on the root URL (/).
    • After clicking the "Create new board" button, the title of the new board can be specified in an editable field.
    • There is a "Save" button that saves the new board and its title. The title is displayed on the board page and the board list.
  3. Allow the user to change the title of accessable board.

    • When clicking the title of a board, it changes into an input box where the title can be edited.
    • There is a "Save" button that saves the new title of the board. The title is displayed on the board page and the board list.
  4. Four default columns are displayed after opening a board.

    • There are four columns (New, In Progress, Testing, Done) that indicate the statuses of cards.
    • The title of the board is displayed on the top of the page.
    • The board closes after clicking its title.
  5. Allow the user to add any number of columns to the board that can be used as statuses for the cards.

    • There is an "Add new column" button after opening a board.
    • A new column is added to the board when clicking the "Add new column" button with the title given by the user. The column can be used as a status for the cards.
  6. Allow the user to change the title of any column.

    • Clicking the title of a column changes it into an input box where a new title can be written.
    • The new title is saved when pressing Enter.
    • Clicking out of the input box or pressing Escape results in the original title remaining unchanged.
  7. Allow the user to add a new card to a board.

    • There is a "Create new card" button after opening a board.
    • A new card is added to the first column of the board when clicking the "Create new card" with the title given by the user.
  8. Allow the user to set priorities to the cards.

    • Allow the user to drag the cards above or below each other and ensure that the card stays in the new position (that is, its order is updated).
  9. Allow the user to change the status of a card (move the card between columns).

    • Cards can be dragged from one column to another, and stay in the new position (that is, their status is updated).
  10. Allow the user to edit the title of a card.

    • Clicking the title of a card changes it into an input box where a new title can be written.
    • Pressing Enter saves the new title.
    • Clicking out of the input box or pressing Escape results in the original title remaining unchanged.
  11. Allow the user to register a new account.

    • There is a register link on the main page that leads to the registration page, after opening the root URL (/). .
    • There is a registration form where the user can specify a username and password.
    • There is a submit button in the registration form. By clicking it, the user credentials get stored and the user can log in with them later.
  12. Allow the user to log into the application with their username and password.

    • There is a "Login" button in the main page header if the user is not logged in.
    • After clicking the "Login" button, there is a login page where the user can input their username and password.
    • After logging in, the user can see the list of public and private boards.
  13. Allow the logged-in user to crate private boards that are only visible to them.

    • There is a "Create new private board" button when the user is logged in.
    • After clicking the "Create" button, an editable field is displayed, where the title of the new private board can be specified.
    • There is a "Save" button that saves the new private board and its title.
    • Ensure that the private board is visible only when the user who created it is logged in.
  14. Allow the user to log out from the application.

    • There is a logout link when the user is logged in.
    • After clicking the logout link the user is logged out and is able to see the public boards only.
  15. Allow the user to delete existing public boards.

    • There is a delete icon associated with every public board.
    • After clicking a delete icon, the associated board is deleted along with its cards.
  16. Allow the user to delete existing private boards that are associated to their account. Boards can only be deleted when the user is logged in.

    • There is a delete icon associated with every private board that belongs to the logged-in user.
    • After clicking a delete icon, the associated Board is deleted along with its cards.
  17. Allow the user to delete cards from boards.

    • There is a delete icon associated with every card.
    • After clicking a delete icon, the associated card is deleted from the board.
  18. Allow the user to delete columns from boards.

    • There is a delete icon associated with every column.
    • After clicking a delete icon, the associated column is deleted from the board, along with its cards.
  19. Allow the user to collaborate with other users in real-time.

    • When a change is made to any board or its cards, other users with access to the board get the updates automatically and immediately.

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