
Provides intellisense for data, events, slots etc. in components. Utilizes sveltedoc-parser for getting information about components.


This extension provides a features for svelte language files. For basic support of svelte files you should install this extension: VSCode Svelte that provides svelte syntax highlighting and syntax checks.


Go to definition

This extension supports a go to definition VSCode feature for quick navigation between components and references.

Just click to component usage in markup or symbol in import section and view its source code.

Also that works for component attributes, events, bind, slots:

Awesome navigation for methods calling:


Component documentation is provided on hover in template markup, import statement and components section.

Documentation of component events, props and slots provided as well.


  1. Path resolving for import statement in script path

Allows to quick search for the required files to import, like a script file or a svelte component. Also includes node_modules folder in search results if it exists. Suggestions from node_modules are marked with a special label.

  1. Path resolving for components: import statement (Svelte 2 only)

  1. Standard svelte syntax completion for HTML tags
  • Supports autocompletion for use:, transition:, in:, out:, bind:, class:, ref:.

  1. Tag-openning completions for svelte special components and imported component

  1. Component data and slots

  1. Component events and expressions

  1. Svelte template blocks

This extension supports all svelte blocks - if, each, await - with inner branching.

  1. Data and computed properties for component state getter (Svelte 2 only)

The same is supported for writing a computed property.

  1. Data properties for component state setter (Svelte 2 only)

  1. Svelte methods in script section (Svelte 2 only)

Also provides auto-completion for this.refs. (Svelte 2 only)

JSDoc support

You can make a perfect documentation for your components with JSDoc syntax in comments (see example below). This documentation will be shown in completion items and on hover. You can read about all JSDoc features in sveltedoc-parser package documentation.

Basically, this extensions supports following JSDoc features:

  • Component description
  • Methods description
  • Data and computed properties description
  • Respect for @private, @protected, @public attributes to filter completion items
<button role="button" on:click="handleButtonClick()" disabled={disabled}>
    {#if text}
        <!-- Slot to render a custom content when @see text is not specified -->

 * Simple button UI element.
export default {
    data() {
        return {
             * The plain text for button.
            text: '',
             * Indicates that this button can't be clicked
            disabled: false
    methods: {
         * Custom button click handler.
         * @private
        handleButtonClick() {
            const { disabled } = this.get();
            if (disabled) {

             * Fires when user clicks on the button.
             * @event click 


  • Signature help for component tags
  • Workspace symbol search
  • Find all references
  • Rename symbol

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