RC-POI-Svelte Svelte Themes

Rc Poi Svelte

Rugby Club POI Frontend Assignment#2 developed in svelte

Full Stack Development Assignment#2

Rugby Game POI Svelte Kit APP

About The Project

RugbyClubPOI is my submission for my Full Stack Development Assignment 2 which was to develop A point of interest (POI) web application. This document outlines my submission for this Assignment.

Youtube Video

URL: https://youtu.be/yoAGBopDWaw

Live Demo

Vercel Link: https://rugbyclubpoi.vercel.app/


Clone this Repository

  git clone https://github.com/ki321g/RC-POI-Svelte.git

To get a copy of the project running on your system, navigate to the project directory in a command prompt/shell and run the following:

  npm install

This will install all dependencies in package-lock.json

After dependency installation has completed run

npm run dev
npm run build

This will load the application and start a local server on port 3000.



Your Name - Kieron Garvey

Project Link: https://github.com/ki321g/RC-POI-Svelte/

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