multitenant-sveltekit-demo Svelte Themes

Multitenant Sveltekit Demo

Multitenant SvelteKit App Demo

This project demonstrates a simple approach to creating a multitenant application using SvelteKit, leveraging the reroute hook for request routing.

Key Features

The app uses hostname-based routing to direct requests to tenant-specific routes, with a shared layout and custom server-side logic.

Project Structure

├── ...
├── hooks.ts               # Contains reroute logic
├── routes/
│   ├── +layout.svelte     # Shared layout for all routes
│   ├── brand-one/         # Brand one routes
│   │   ├── +page.svelte
│   │   ├── about-us/
│   │   │   └── +page.svelte
│   │   └── blog/
│   │       └── +page.svelte
│   └── brand-two/         # Brand two routes
│       ├── +page.svelte
│       ├── about-us/
│       │   └── +page.svelte
│       └── blog/
│           └── +page.svelte

How It Works

  1. When a request comes in, the reroute hook examines the hostname.
  2. Based on the hostname, it prepends the appropriate brand prefix to the URL path.
  3. SvelteKit then routes the request to the corresponding tenant-specific page.

This approach allows you to serve multiple "brands" or tenants from a single SvelteKit application, with minimal code duplication and easy management of shared components and layouts.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Run the development server: npm run dev
  4. Access the app via http://localhost:5173 and to see different tenants


To add more tenants or modify routing logic, update the reroute function in src/hooks.ts and create corresponding route folders in the src/routes directory.

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