svelte-meme-generator Svelte Themes

Svelte Meme Generator

Meme Generator Built with Svelte

Meme generator svelte app that calls imgflip's API and generates different images at the user's request.


The Goal

User should be able to:

  • Customize the meme's text
  • Generate a random image for the meme
  • Choose meme image from a dropdown menu
  • Download the image with a button


Website Demo


My process

Built with

  • Svelte
  • HTML markup
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • JSX

What I learned

  • How to work with an API using onMount
  • Binding values to inputs to change an object's property
  • CSS positioning
  • Reactivity declarations for debugging
// You can use the $ to check the state of the object meme changing

    import { onMount } from 'svelte';
    let meme = {
        topText: '',
        bottomText: '',
        randomImage: '',

// Every time the user types in the input box, the console will log the newly updated object
$: console.log(meme);

div class="form">
        <input type="text" placeholder="Top Text" bind:value={meme.topText} />
            placeholder="Bottom Text"
        <button on:click={getMemeImage}>Get a new meme image 🖼</button>


Clone this repository and install the dependencies...

  git clone my-app
  cd my-app
  npm install
npm run dev



  • Scrimba - For the guidance and incredible courses
  • imgflip - For their awesome meme API
  • Cl0udi - Dropdown menu idea

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