Customizable developer card built with Svelte

Learning reactivity and logic with Svelte


The Goal

User should be able to:

  • Modify every section on the card through the input boxes
  • Download the card as an embed to use in your own site


Website Demo


My process

Built with

  • Sveltejs/template
  • HTML markup
  • CSS
  • Javascript

What I learned

  • How to work with spread props
  • Reactive assignments and their bindings
  • #If and #each blocks

Compared to react instead of doing mappings with arrays you can use #each blocks and #if blocks to perform logic in your html markup.

// list of objects
const socials = [
        { name: 'twitter', link: 'laura.smith', filename: 'twtr.png' },
        { name: 'facebook', link: 'laura.smith', filename: 'fb.png' },
            name: 'instagram',
            link: 'laura.smith',
            filename: 'ig.png',
        { name: 'linkedin', link: 'smith-laura', filename: 'link.png' },
        { name: 'github', link: 'laura.smith', filename: 'git.png' },

// Instead of making a label for each object, we can loop over the list like this:
{#each socials as social}

Continued development

  • Allow a the user to download the card or make an embed for their own site
  • Adjustments to site responsiveness


Clone this repository and install the dependencies...

  git clone my-app
  cd my-app
  npm install

To run locally then start Rollup

npm run dev



  • Scrimba - I converted your React card to svelte
  • Svelte - For the great tutorial page

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