
Svelte Routify Smelte



Starter template for Routify.

Get started

Starter templates

Template Description
master Default template, includes examples folder
blog Generates a blog from local markdown posts. Includes mdsvex
auth Embedded login on protected pages. Includes Auth0

To use a template, run:

npx @sveltech/routify init


npx @sveltech/routify init --branch <branch-name>

The above commands will populate the current directory, they don't create a new one.

npm scripts

Syntax Description
dev Development (port 5000)
dev:nollup Development with crazy fast rebuilds (port 5000)
dev-dynamic Development with dynamic imports
build Build a bundled app with SSR + prerendering and dynamic imports
serve Run after a build to preview. Serves SPA on 5000 and SSR on 5005
deploy:* Deploy to netlify or now
export Create static pages from content in dist folder (used by npm run build)

SSR and pre-rendering

SSR and pre-rendering are included in the default build process.

npm run deploy:(now|netlify) will deploy the app with SSR and prerendering included.

To render async data, call the $ready() helper whenever your data is ready.

If $ready() is present, rendering will be delayed till the function has been called.

Otherwise it will be rendered instantly.

See src/pages/example/api/[showId].svelte for an example.


  • For SPA or SSR apps please make sure that url rewrite is enabled on the server.
  • For SPA redirect to __app.html.
  • For SSR redirect to the lambda function or express server.


For Typescript, we recommend @lamualfa excellent routify-ts

New project: npx routify-ts init <project-name> [routify-init-args]

Existing project: npx routify-ts convert [project-directory]


File on Github! See .



Smelte是一个 使用Material Design规范在Svelte和Tailwind CSS之上构建的UI框架 .它带有许多组件和实用程序功能,可以轻松构建漂亮的响应式布局,同时还要确保捆绑包的大小和性能,这一切都要归功于Svelte。


npm install smelte or yarn add smelte


Then add the Smelte Rollup plugin (after svelte but before css)

// rollup.config.js
const smelte=require("smelte/rollup-plugin-smelte");

  ...your plugins, 
    purge: production,
    output: "public/global.css", // it defaults to static/global.css which is probably what you expect in Sapper 
    postcss: [], // Your PostCSS plugins
    whitelist: [], // Array of classnames whitelisted from purging
    whitelistPatterns: [], // Same as above, but list of regexes
    tailwind: { 
      colors: { 
        primary: "#b027b0",
        secondary: "#009688",
        error: "#f44336",
        success: "#4caf50",
        alert: "#ff9800",
        blue: "#2196f3",
        dark: "#212121" 
      }, // Object of colors to generate a palette from, and then all the utility classes
      darkMode: true, 
    // Any other props will be applied on top of default Smelte tailwind.config.js


Then you should add Tailwind utilites CSS in your app component.

import "smelte/src/tailwind.css" ;

例如: 在App.svelte文件下进行样式引入

// App.svelte
  import { Router } from "@roxi/routify";
  import { routes } from "../.routify/routes";

<style  global>
  @import "../assets/global.css";
  @import "smelte/src/tailwind.css" ;

<Router {routes} />

只有上面是不够的,新建一个windcss.css,里面放编译过的tailwindcss的样式,需要这样手动引入,不然识别不出tailwindcss 而后在global.css中引入也行,在index.html中进行引入也行


当上面的文件都准备好的时候,可以进行npm run dev进行页面调试,此时页面报错,进行以下插件安装

npm install svelte-waypoint



// example的index.svelte页面

  import { TextField } from "smelte";

<div style="width: 100%; text-align: center; margin-top: 4rem;">
  <TextField label="Test label" />

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