
Intro To Headless Wordpress With Sveltekit

Intro to Headless WordPress with SvelteKit

Intro to Headless WordPress with SvelteKit

This is the SvelteKit app from the "Headless WordPress with SvelteKit" talk given by Kellen Mace at the Svelte Summit conference in fall, 2021:

Getting Started

  1. Get a local WordPress site running locally, and install and activate the WPGraphQL plugin.
  2. Clone this repo down to your machine
  3. cd into the root directory of this project. Create a .env.local file and define an environment variable like this VITE_PUBLIC_WORDPRESS_API_URL=http://sveltesummit.local/graphql, replacing "http://sveltesummit.local" with the domain of your local WordPress site.
  4. Run npm install, then npm run dev. Visit http://localhost:3000 in a browser to see your app.

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