

Svelte Standalone Table/Spreadsheet front end

This is a spreadsheet front end written using [Svelte]( You need to implement any calculations yourself. You also need to supply a 2D array of cell values & formats along with a config for rows & columns info. The REPL has an example of all that.

Try dbl clicking (or hit Enter/F2) on a cell to edit. Or select some with mouse or keyboard.

The buttons show how easy it is to format a cell or display something other than the raw cell value eg a currency.


  • Cells are editable. F2 or = or Enter or just type alpha-numerics, or DblClick
  • Cells each have their own format
  • Each cell supports attributes for borders x 4, italics, bold, font-size, bg & fg colours. Other attributes can easily be added.
  • Read Only cells supported
  • Keyboard nav using Home,End, Arrows
  • Ctrl+nav key moves to next full/empty cell boundary
  • Select cells with mouse or shift+nav keys
  • Tab/BackTab moves through selected cells
  • Supports 3 cell data values... just like a spreadsheet.
    • cell.value is the raw content that the user enters
    • cell.result is the result of any calc you may implement
    • cell.display is what gets displayed. So setting cell.value will show nothing - you need to do a calc and populate cell.result/display or just copy cell.value to cell.display. Or make your own Formatter that takes cell.value/result and puts e.g. a currency/date string into cell.display
  • Row/Col select with mouse (+shift for multiple)
  • Row/Col resize with mouse. (Can be disabled in config)
  • ^A selects all, so does click at top left
  • Del deletes selected cells
  • Rows/Cols can be added dynamically. data[ ] [ ] must be extended too!
  • Copy/del/paste ^C ^X ^V using clipboard. (Some caveats apply!)
  • Navigation scrolls the newly selected cell into view
  • Edit of cell is highly visible
  • Various user actions can be allowed/denied at the Table level. See
  • Only 3 events that are dispatched are
     onselchange(selectedCells) - when the user navigates somewhere
     startedit(selectedCells) - before the user edits a cell
     onendedit(selectedCells) - when the user changes a cells value
    Adding more for e.g. row/col resize would be straightforward
  • Supports lots of row/cols with scrolling. Only limited by DOM and memory
  • Compact data requirements. Config & Data are easily JSONable.
  • Multiple Tables can be in DOM at same time
  • No dependencies - approx 1100 LOC inc styling


Needs only 3 params - config, data (2D array) and a uid.

Two optional params - title (useful when displaying multiple Tables) and allowedActions (see above) - default is all allowed

defaultGridConfig is the default config. It contains row & column initial configs sizings. It's self explanatory - see utils.js

data[ ][ ] is a 2D array of cell object. Each cell object looks like

 let cell = {
    value:'', // raw string. Often what is entered by the user.
    display:'', // what is displayed often isn't the same as the value. E.G. formulas, 12=>$12.00, -12=>($12.00). It is the parents responsibility to populate this
    result:'', // the result of a formula or just the value as a string/number
Each cell has its' own format. The format object looks like -
 const defaultCellFormat = {
  "italics":  0,
  "bold":     0,
  "fontsize": 13,
  "align":    "left",
  "colour":   "#888",
  "background": "#fff",
  "border":   [false,false,false,false],  //    TLBR
  "readonly": false,
Again, it's self explanatory, and straightforward to extend.


In production uncomment the .focus() in onMount() of Table.svelte. It's highly irritating to keep having the focus ripped away when testing in the REPL.



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