svelte-radial-progress Svelte Themes

Svelte Radial Progress

Radial progress component for svelte. Doughnut progress bar chart

🤗 Svelte Radial Progress

Screenshot 2024-10-12 at 22 20 13

radial-progress-svelte is a light-weight responsive SVG radial progress component for Svelte.

✨ Demo

Click here to see a live demo


npm i radial-progress-svelte


import { RadialProgress } from 'radial-progress-svelte';

const maxTotalSize = 150;
const thickness = 30;
const size = 200;
const data = [
    { value: 40, color: '#2B2EFF' },
    { value: 20, color: '#1761FF' },
    { value: 60, color: '#1761FF' }

$: totalProgress = data.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr.value, 0);

<RadialProgress {data} {maxTotalSize} {thickness} {size}>
   <div>{totalProgress} / {maxTotalSize}</div>

ℹ️ In case the size parameter is not provided, the radial progress component will automatically adjust its size to fit in the parent element.

Component props

name type default description
data Array<{ value: number, color: string }> [] Dataset for the radial progress component
maxTotalSize Number The total sum of the value from the `data` prop Specifies the maximum total size
thickness Number 30 Specifies the thickness of the radial progress bar
size Number undefined Specify a fixed size for the radial progress component. In case it's not provided, the component will automatically adjust its size to fit in the parent element, which is a better scenario in case you want responsiveness
backgroundColor String '#D9D9D9' The color of the remaining space of the radial progress bar

Component slots

name default description
Default Empty Content to be displayed inside the radial progress component


  1. Fork the repo
  2. Clone the forked repo

Install and run the project

npm install
npm run dev

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