T-Mobile ISP Client

T-Mobile's trashcan web client is...garbage, so I'm building my own with SvelteKit. Feel free to use it or contribute!

Currently implemented:

  • overview page w/ live updating (refreshes every 5s)
  • list of device information

Running the app


The easiest way to setup and run the app with minimal development knowledge is to use Docker. Follow the installation instructions from the website, and then run:

docker-compose up

You can view the app on http://localhost:33201, which is set according to a default value for PORT=33201 since port 3000 tends to conflict with too many other things.

To run on a different port, set the PORT environment variable or set it in .env. By default, this will pull the tagged latest image from Docker Hub. To override this, set the TAG environment variable or modify it in .env.



Clone the project, then install dependencies with npm install.

Dev Server

To start the dev server (with live reloading and hot module swapping), run:

npm run dev -- --host

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


This app uses the node adapter to enable server side rendering and reverse proxying to avoid CORS issues. Build for production with:

npm run build

To build the docker image, run

docker-compose build

You can preview the built app with npm run preview, regardless of whether you installed an adapter. This should not be used to serve your app in production.

To run in production, run node ./build, or docker-compose up as referenced previously.




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