layout: page.njk title: svelte-robot-factory tags: integrations permalink: integrations/svelte-robot-factory.html


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The svelte-robot-factory returns a svelte writable store which implements a robot machine service.



npm install svelte-robot-factory robot3 --save


yarn add svelte-robot-factory robot3


useMachine(machine, event);



function useMachine(machine, event)
    const {subscribe, set} = writable(
        interpret(machine, service => set(service), event)
    return {subscribe}

Explaination: This code exports a function named useMachine that takes in two arguments: machine and event. It uses the Machine and interpret functions imported from the robot3 library, and the writable function imported from the svelte/store library. When useMachine is called, it creates a Svelte store by calling the writable function, passing in the result of invoking interpret on the machine and event arguments. interpret creates an instance of a state machine and provides a callback function that updates the Svelte store with the new state returned by the instance. The function returns an object with a subscribe method that allows components to subscribe to changes in the store. Whenever a component subscribes to the store, it will be notified with the current state and any future state changes.


View in REPL

  example integration with
    supports send, context, and machine (to include machine.current & machine.state)

  import service from './store.js';
  import Child from './Child.svelte'
  const send = $service.send;
  $: current = $service.machine.current

<div>Current state value: {current}</div>

<button on:click={() => send('toggle')}>
/// Child.svelte
  import service from './store.js';
  $: foo = $;

<div>Context value of foo property: {foo}</div>
/// store
import { createMachine, state, transition, invoke, reduce } from 'robot3';
import { useMachine } from 'svelte-robot-factory';
const context = event => ({
const event = {
  foo: 'initial'
const machine = createMachine({
  inactive: state(
    transition('toggle', 'active',
      reduce((ctx, ev)=>({ ...ctx, foo: 'bar'}))
  active: state(
    transition('toggle', 'inactive',
      reduce((ctx, ev)=>({ ...ctx, foo: 'foo'}))
}, context);

const service = useMachine(machine, event);
export default service;


Due to a known issue with vite handling of commonjs modules, when used with sveltekit, add prebundleSvelteLibraries: true, to your svelte.config.js.

For example, [svelte.config.js]

import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-auto';

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
    experimental: {
        prebundleSvelteLibraries: true
    kit: {
        adapter: adapter()

export default config;

This workflow will run tests using node and then publish a package to GitHub Packages when a release is created

For more information see:

name: Node.js Package

on: release: types: [created]

jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: node-version: [16.x] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/setup-node@v3 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - run: npm ci - run: npm run build - run: npm test

publish-npm: needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/setup-node@v3 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} registry-url: - run: npm ci - run: npm publish env: NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.npm_token}}

Or, reference the sveltekit-toggle example.



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