JungInKrems Svelte Themes


A Laravel application with a Svelte web frontend, offering an event calendar and an overview of educational offerings for young people in Krems and the surrounding area. Commissioned by and in cooperation with the City of Krems.

Jung in Krems


Building the development environment

npm install && composer install

mv .env.develoment.example .env.develoment (edit variables)
php artisan migrate:fresh (only if using a new database)

npm run dev
php artisan serve


Building the production environment

npm install && composer install

mv .env.production.example .env.production (edit variables)
php artisan migrate:fresh (only if using a new database)

chmod -R 777 && npm run build

Updating the production environment

git reset --hard && git pull origin prod && chmod -R 777 . && npm run build

Necessary configurations

NGINX configuration file

server {
   client_max_body_size 128M;
   location / {
      try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

PHP configuration file

post_max_size = 136M
upload_max_filesize = 136M

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