sveltekit-mongodb Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Mongodb

Sveltekit & MongoDB

This is a project that demonstrate both client side component rendering and hydration as well as serverside rendering with external API route configuration. Furthermore, there is also a mongodb connection (not hosted on the atlas) to cache the queried results.


This sample showcases how you could deploy a full-stack application with Defang and Sveltekit. However, it deploys mongodb as a defang service. Defang services are ephemeral and should not be used to run stateful workloads in production as they will be reset on every deployment. For production use cases you should use a managed database like RDS, Aiven, or others. In the future, Defang will help you provision and connect to managed databases.

Essential Setup Files

  1. Download [Defang CLI] (
  2. (optional) If you are using [Defang BYOC] ( authenticated your AWS account.
  3. (optional for local development) [Docker CLI] (


  1. Download [Defang CLI] (

  2. (optional) If you are using Defang BYOC make sure you have properly

  3. [Docker CLI] (

  4. [NodeJS] (


For development, we use a local container. This can be seen in the compose.yaml and /src/routes/api/songs/+server.js file and the server.js file where we create a pool of connections. To run the sample locally after clonging the respository, you can run on docker by doing

  1. docker compose up --build

A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open the terminal and type defang login
  2. Type defang compose up in the CLI
  3. Your app should be up and running with Defang in minutes!

Title: SvelteKit & MongoDB

Short Description: A full-stack application using SvelteKit for the frontend and MongoDB for the database.

Tags: SvelteKit, MongoDB, Full-stack, Node.js, JavaScript

Languages: nodejs

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