svelte-trpc-skeleton Svelte Themes

Svelte Trpc Skeleton

Fullstack skeleton app with Svelte and tRPC (fully typed).

Fullstack example project with Svelte/Vite, Fastify & tRPC all in typescript.

As a showcase Login functionality via cookie/server-sessions.

If you like video tutorials, walks you through a pretty similar setup (just with slightly different technologies like express, react, yarn workspaces, etc..).

Note: I'm not intending to update this a lot in the furture, but if you have meaningful contributions (like unifying the typescript setup or an env setup for real production) i happily accept pull requests!

A bit more thoughts on the setup at

Project Structure

It's a very simple monorepo setup with NPM workspaces. The frontend and backend folders are separated node modules, the root module just calls the relevant sub-modules tasks for convenience.

  • frontend contains a typical Svelte/Vite setup which could be used and operated standalone.
  • backend has a minimal fastify HTTP server and the actual backend logic is crafted in tRPC.


During development 2 servers are started. Each one is refreshed/restarted automatically on relevant file changes.

  • There is a standalone backend server (fastify).
  • There is a standalone Vite server hosting the frontend. The frontend makes calls to the separate backend server.
  • So you have to navigate to to use the app.


  • Frontend files are compiled to /client/dist.
  • Backend hosts the logic but also serves the client files.
  • So you have to navigate to to use the app.


  • npm install - Install node modules for all packages
  • npm run dev - Starts the development servers (Use for using the app)
  • npm run start - Start production server (Use for using the app)

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