svelte-conmu Svelte Themes

Svelte Conmu

A Svelte Context Menu Library

npm version


A Svelte Context Menu Library. Headless, the rendering/styling is completely in your hands. The only things the library provides are:

  • Anchors the menu to the cursor in a way that it doesn't leave the screen
  • Makes sure the menu closes properly
    • On clicks/right-clicks outside of the menu
    • On menu selection
    • On Escape keypress

Get a taste with the demo.

Getting started

  1. Install the library with npm install --save-dev svelte-conmu

  2. Setup one component - lets call it ContextMenu.svelte - which renders all the context menus you will have.

    • First import ContextMenuWrapper:
     import { ContextMenuWrapper } from "svelte-conmu";
    • The ContextMenuWrapper will pass you the options. You will define those later on. Here it's only about the look:
    <div id="context-menu">
      {#each options as option}
        <!-- svelte-ignore a11y-click-events-have-key-events -->
        {#if option.label == "hr"}
          <hr />
        {:else if option.action}
          <div class="context-menu-option" on:click={option.action}>
          <div class="context-menu-info" on:click={close}>
    • Note how you could encode different type of contexts menu elements (like select option, seperator & info just by evaluating the option.)
  3. Add the context menu trigger and the options to show in any component you want.

    • In the script section add this:
    import { contextMenu, type ContextMenuOption } from "svelte-conmu";
    const contextMenuOptions: ContextMenuOption[] = [
       label: "Do A",
       action: () => {
         // do A..
     { label: "hr" },
       label: "Do B",
       action: () => {
         // do B...
    • and in the html section add the trigger:
    <div on:contextmenu|preventDefault|stopPropagation={(e) =>contextMenu.toggle(e, contextMenuOptions)}>My Content</div>
  4. Final Step. Put the ContextMenu.svelte you build in the first step into your App.svelte

<ContextMenu />
  • It doesn't matter where since the positioning is absolute. Also this display (show/not-show) will be handled by the library.

For full example see


How to extend ContextMenuOption with custom data

You can do that by extending the definition through a entry in a t.ds file, e.g. in vite-env.d.ts:

// Extend svelte-conmu with highlight option
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
import * as svelte_conmu from 'svelte-conmu';

declare module 'svelte-conmu' {
    export interface ContextMenuOption {
        highlight?: () => boolean;

Now Type Script should give you type support for highlight when defining ContextMenuOptions and accessing them in your ContextMenu.svelte.


  • npm build to build the package
  • npm link to make the package locally available (e.g. for the example project)

How to release

  • Deploy a new version of the demo: cd example; npm run deploy
  • npm publish
  • tag with
    • git tag -a $releaseVersion -m "$releaseVersion release"
    • git push --tags
  • Increase version in package.json


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