Fullstack-Deno-Svelte-App Svelte Themes

Fullstack Deno Svelte App

A super basic CRUD app. Can serve as a starting point for more complex projects.

Svelte + Deno Fullstack App

A super basic CRUD app. Can serve as a starting point for more complex projects.

The frontend is built with Svelte 3 and is based on this tutorial: https://freshman.tech/svelte-todo/

The backend is built against Deno v1.4.5 and is using Oak v6.3.1 as its middleware library.


You must have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. This project was built against the following versions:

  • Node v12.6.0
  • npm v6.9.0



Setting up a MongoDB cluster

  • create an account at https://www.mongodb.com/
  • navigate to Security > Database Access and create a user
  • Save your user name and password in the db_config.ts file inside the Backend folder
  • Under Security > Network Access add your current IP Address

Run the Svelte App:

To start the backend server:

  • cd into the Backend folder and run denon run --allow-net --allow-env --allow-read --unstable --allow-plugin --allow-write server.ts
  • Server will be listening on port 4000. If you're using Postman, navigate to http://localhost:4000/API/tasks/

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