Discover Solana Dapp dev using Anchor, Solana (rust) and Svelte (Typescript).
Thanks to
First, you will need to install the Rust toolchain.
curl -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup component add rustfmt
To install Solana Tool Suite, you can simply run the installation script. I’m specifying to install v1.9.4:
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"
Note that if you are using zsh, you need to update your PATH.
solana --version
Now, you can run the test validator (a local testnet) to see if everything works correctly with command:
Let’s stop the test validator for now and install Anchor, the recommended framework for Solana programs.
Make sure you have Yarn v1
installed. Then let's build using Rust package manager:
cargo install --git --tag v0.20.1 anchor-cli --locked
anchor --version
It a browser extension, like Metamask, but for Solana. Install it and create a wallet.
Look at ~/.config/solana/id.json
or generate new using solana-keygen new
Then configure Solana to use localhost
solana config set --url localhost
solana config get
Clone the repo, go in it, and install the JS deps
Then you can run these dev commands:
anchor build # Install the needed Rust deps and compile the programs (aka: Smart-contract)
anchor test # Exec contract tests using JS test framework