eslint-config-monosvelte Svelte Themes

Eslint Config Monosvelte

An Eslint config that I frequently use in Svelte projects with Typescript and Prettier support.


npm install @cubostuff/eslint-config-monosvelte


Create a file .eslintrc.js and add the following.

should be .eslintrc.cjs if your package.json has "type": "module".

module.exports = {
  root: true,
  // add this if you're in a monorepo and don't want a specific member to inherit eslint rules from
  // other configs that exists higher on the file system tree.

  extends: '@cubostuff/eslint-config-monosvelte',
  parserOptions: {
    tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,


npm version minor
# options (major, minor, or patch)
# - increments the version your package.json based on the type of the change
# - commits this version bump
# - creates a tag for the current release
npm publish
git push
git push --tags

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