
Svelte Bridge

Use your Svelte components from React & Vue.


Write Svelte components and use them from React & Vue.

This plugin generates wrapper components in dist/react and dist/vue at build time.


Install the package:

pnpm install -D vite-plugin-svelte-bridge

Add react and vue plugins to vite.config.js:

// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { svelte } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte'
import { react, vue } from 'vite-plugin-svelte-bridge'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [ svelte(), react(), vue() ]

Update package.json:

  1. Add dist/react and dist/vue to the exports section
"exports": {
  ".": "./dist/index.js",
  "./react/*": "./dist/react/*",
  "./vue/*": "./dist/vue/*"
  1. Specify which components should be wrapped:
"bridge": {
  "MyComponent": "src/lib/MyComponent.svelte"

Running vite build will generate a dist/react/MyComponent.jsx and a dist/vue/MyComponent.vue.



To access a component from a React project, install the package:

pnpm install -D my-svelte-lib

Then import the component from the react/ folder:

// in src/App.jsx
import MyComponent from 'my-svelte-lib/react/MyComponent.jsx'

export default function App() {
  return <MyComponent prop={42} onClick={() => alert('clicked')}/>


To access a component from a Vue project, install the package:

pnpm install -D my-svelte-lib

Then import the component from the vue/ folder:

<!-- in src/App.vue -->
<script setup>
  import MyComponent from 'my-svelte-lib/vue/MyComponent.vue'

  <MyComponent prop={42} @click="alert('clicked')"/>


The following features are not supported (yet?):

  • Slots
  • 2-way data binding
  • Types
  • Angular, Solid.js



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