
Svelte Jsoneditor Vite Dependency Issues

svelte-jsoneditor vite dependency issues

To reproduce: clone this repo, run npm install, run npm run dev. See commented config in svelte.config.js for a workaround.

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Detailed steps to reproduce

> npm init svelte@next svelte-jsoneditor-vite-dependency-issues

  √ Which Svelte app template? » Skeleton project
  √ Use TypeScript? ... Yes
  √ Add ESLint for code linting? ... Yes
  √ Add Prettier for code formatting? ... Yes

> cd svelte-jsoneditor-vite-dependency-issues

> npm install

> npm install [email protected]

Open an editor. Replace the contents of the file src/routes/index.svelte with the following:

  import { JSONEditor } from 'svelte-jsoneditor'

  let json = {
    greeting: 'hello world!'

<JSONEditor bind:json />

Now, start the development server:

> npm run dev

Open the application in a browser, http://localhost:3000

This will show errors like:

ReferenceError: module is not defined
    at /node_modules/debug/src/index.js?v=ed804413:7:2
    at instantiateModule (...\svelte-jsoneditor-vite-dependency-issues\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-c1a9de64.js:73464:166)


To workaround the issue, add a list with dependencies to the vite configuration in the file svelte.config.js:

const config = {
  // ...
  kit: {
    // ...
    vite: {
      optimizeDeps: {
        include: [

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