svelte-forge-ui Svelte Themes

Svelte Forge Ui

It's a component library for Svelte. These component designs are lightweight and flexible.

🔥 svelte-forge-ui 🔥

It's a component library for Svelte. These component designs are lightweight and flexible.

[!WARNING] This library is currently in the creation phase and it is not recommended to implement it in productive environments, but we will soon release our version 1.0.0 which will be the stable version. Likewise, we appreciate that you use our lib for testing while our stable version is available..

Table of Contents

The Problem

We require a collection of simple components that have flexibility to be modified. We require this to avoid always creating several components of the same thing, avoiding duplicating code, in addition to already having different style formats for each component.

This Solution

svelte-forge-ui is a lightweight and easy-to-use solution, which seeks to give its users the different components that exist with different style formats, in addition to allowing flexibility when modifying certain parameters of the components.

[!NOTE] These collections of components below use tailwind to help with a much faster design to implement.


The component package is distributed through npm, which is included with node. You should install it as a dependencies.


npm install svelte-forge-ui


yarn add svelte-forge-ui

Example How to use

We import the library into the <script></script> tags and create a variable that will take the data from InputFloat.

import { InputFloat } from 'svelte-forge-ui';
let inputFloat = '';

Now let's call the <InputFloat/> component and set the required properties nameInput, labelText and valueInput.

    labelText="Input Float"

You can also use CSS variables to place your own colors. The first thing will be to create the name of your theme, by default it is called primary but you can change it with the theme property.

After choosing the name or thinking about whether to leave it as default, you will have to create the css variables in :root so that your components have colors. The format that should be used for these variables should be the name of the topic that you chose followed by a hyphen and the numbers from 100 to 900 of 100 in 100. Below we will see an example taking into account that our theme is called primary:

:root {
    --primary-100: #d0dde2;
    --primary-200: #a0bbc5;
    --primary-300: #7199a8;
    --primary-400: #41778b;
    --primary-500: #12556e;
    --primary-600: #0e4458;
    --primary-700: #0b3342;
    --primary-800: #07222c;
    --primary-900: #041116;

Now in the component to activate the CSS variables you must use the useCss property and the component would look like this:

    labelText="Input Float"

The other properties found are not mandatory but are properties that allow you to modify the style of the component.



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