Lab with Sanity, SvelteKit and Vercel
Build a conference website with as content management system, SvelteKit as frontend and deploy it using Vercel.
This lab is done in three steps, starting with the backend CMS.
You will need npm, git, github and preferably vscode for best mileage. lets us define and manage our content. Install the sanity cli and create a sanity project using the following commands:
npm install -g @sanity/cli
npm create sanity@latest
Copy the schema-files for conference, speaker, days and talk from the lab-instructions
Update index.ts with the new schemas
Sanity studio is a react app where we can create content using the schemas we have setup
npm run dev
Add some cool content from the studio and publish it. It should now be available to the world.
Svelte is the greatest framework in the world for building javascript components, and SvelteKit is the app framework for building Svelte apps. It is to Svelte what Next is to React.
Make sure you choose to create a typescript SvelteKit-app. Typescript is the best.
npm create svelte@latest op-kompdag
cd op-kompdag
npm install
npm run dev
npm i @sanity/client
SvelteKit uses file based routing, which means every folder will resolve to a route in your app. The Svelte-component that is loaded in each route is defined in a file called +page.svelte.
Create a +page.svelte file directly in your route-folder. This will be your sites landing page.
Create a folder called conference/[slug] - this will be the route to a specific conference. Inside this folder, create a file called +page.svelte.
In SvelteKit a route can be accompanied by a load file that provides data for the components in the route. The load-file is named +page.ts. Write some code to fetch data from our sanity project (or copy the code from the lab instructions /sveltekit-files/+page.svelte)
Create typescript types in a types-file in the lib-directory. The types should mirror the types you query for in the +page.ts-file which in turn mirrors the types in Sanity-studio.
You will need to provide credentials for your app which can be found at
You will also need to set CORS-settings for your app Go to and find CORS-settings under the API-heading
A suggested project structure is to create components for Conference, Days, Talks and Speakers.
Your project structure could then look like this:
├── app.css
├── app.d.ts
├── app.html
├── lib
│ └── types.ts
└── routes
├── +layout.svelte
├── +page.svelte
└── conference
└── [slug]
├── +page.svelte
├── +page.ts
├── Conference.svelte
├── Days.svelte
├── Speakers.svelte
└── Talks.svelte
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init tailwind.config.cjs -p
Configure template paths in tailwind.content.cjs:
content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}'],
Create a +layout-page which imports the css (see example file in /tailwind-css/+layout.svelte).
Create a app.css file in the src-folder. Add tailwind directives to this file. (see example file in /tailwind-css/app.css)
Vercel is a hosting site for frontend apps. This is where we will host our SvelteKit app.
The easiest way to deploy with vercel is via github. Push your code to a github repo. Create a github repo on and the run the following:
git init -b main
git add .
git commit -a -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main
Got to and sign in with your github account. Create a new project and point it to your newly pushed repository.
Press Deploy.
Try deploying Sanity studio to Vercel
Explore options of protecting the Sanity data
We use data from the query-string in the example GROQ-query. Can this be exploited?
Expand the conference site to use a landing page which lists all available conferences