SvelteKit ➕ Pocketbase

Simple setup for SK and PB. For me to save in one spot and reuse as needed.


Run npx svelte-pb@latest your-project to create "your-project".

behind the scenes

  1. Run a npm create svelte@latest web in this folder (or another name and rename it "web"). Assumes the project will be "Typescript".
  2. Add tailwind to your web project. npm add -D postcss tailwindcss autoprefixer and npx tailwindcss init. (in the web folder you just created)
  3. Copies the files from the template/web folder into the correct spots inside web/src. Since this is a boilerplate and not a package, there's less I go into about setup. These files should be customized to fit your project.

more stuff

You need to set PUBLIC_DATABASE in your environment. The docker-compose.yml I included, I use for production and have PUBLIC_DATABASE set to the internal docker url. However, during dev, I'll throw a pocketbase.exe in the db folder and set PUBLIC_DATABASE to 'http://localhost:8090' to keep things smooth.

Change the .github/workflows/main.yml to work with your production environment. It's setup to workflow_dispatch, so change it for on: push: [main] or what have you.


My projects tend to focus on SSR. This boilerplate will prioritize SSR as most projects will have the Pocketbase URL only on localhost. However, I recently needed realtime so I added it to the mix. If you want to protect your database: change the PUBLIC_DATABASE envvar to DATABASE, remove httpOnly from hooks.server, and remove hooks.client + lib/pocketbase/client.

scripts: typegen

On Windows, you will need the Windows 10 SDK. If you only have the 11 SDK, you will need to download 10. pocketbase-typegen uses the npm package sqlite3 and that uses node-gyp:^8 which isn't compatible with Windows 11 SDK. Note: I do use WOA, so x86 and x64 Windows may be unaffected.

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