sveltekit-projecttemplate-business Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Projecttemplate Business

An extended project-template for the sveltekit meta-framework. Technologies: SvelteKit, TailwindCSS, SK-Superforms & Zod, Iconify, ShadCN, Commitizen, Prettier & EsLint, Vitest & Playwright, LuciaAuth, BuilderIoCMS, PrismaORM...

SvelteKit - Project Template++


This template is an extended version of sveltekit-projecttemplate-hobby.


The project can be deployed to Vercel or as a docker container (Netlify and Cloudflare do not work properly with some functionalities.).

Tech Stack

Frontend & Testing

Backend & Database

Supported Databases

Any database Prisma supports. For example MySQL, PostgreSQL or MongoDB.

Other Included Packages


How-To-Write-SCSS: bem
Fonts (google fonts but privacy-friendly):


Important Commands

# install dependencies
pnpm i

# run development sever
pnpm run all

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
pnpm run all -- --open

# build project
pnpm run build

# preview build
pnpm run preview

# skip husky
<git-command> --no-verify


Install commitizen

pnpm add -g commitizen


Use pnpm run commit or npx cz instead of git commit -m "..."
Use pnpm run prepare before committing the first time.

Top categories

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