vacation-planner Svelte Themes

Vacation Planner

A cross-platform app to optimize employee vacation schedules based on holidays, employer policies, and accrued time budgets. Built with FastAPI (backend) and Svelte (frontend), deployable as a web app and mobile app.

Vacation Planner

A cross-platform app to optimize employee vacation schedules based on holidays, employer policies, and accrued time budgets. Built with FastAPI (backend) and Svelte (frontend), deployable as a web app and mobile app.


  • Holiday Integration: Pre-compiled US federal and employer-specific holidays for 2025.
  • Time Budget: Users input accrued and used vacation days.
  • Vacation Policy: Supports blackout dates and max days (configurable).
  • AI Optimization: Suggests schedules maximizing contiguous days off, with options for:
    • "No single days off" (min 2 days per vacation).
    • "Max vacations" limit (e.g., 2 or 3 periods).
  • Cross-Platform: Web (SvelteKit) and mobile (Svelte + Capacitor).
  • Database: SQLite for development, PostgreSQL for production.
  • Authentication: User authentication and saved vacation plans.

Tech Stack

  • Backend: FastAPI (Python), SQLite/PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy.
  • Frontend: SvelteKit (web), Svelte + Capacitor (mobile).
  • Deployment: Vercel (web), Capacitor (mobile), (backend), Docker (full stack).



  • Python 3.9+
  • Node.js 18+
  • PostgreSQL 15+ (for production only)


  1. Navigate to backend/.
  2. Create a virtual environment: python -m venv venv and activate it:
    • Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
    • Unix/MacOS: source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Initialize the database and create sample data:
    python     # Creates tables and default user/policy/time-budget
    python  # Adds 2025 US holidays
  5. Run: uvicorn app.main:app --reload.

Frontend (Web)

  1. Navigate to frontend/web/.
  2. Install dependencies: npm install.
  3. Run: npm run dev.
  4. Access the application at http://localhost:5173.

Frontend (Mobile)

  1. Navigate to frontend/mobile/.
  2. Install dependencies: npm install.
  3. Build web assets: cd ../web && npm run build.
  4. Sync with Capacitor: npx cap sync.
  5. Open in Xcode/Android Studio: npx cap open ios or npx cap open android.

For a complete deployment with PostgreSQL, backend, and frontend:

  1. Make sure Docker and Docker Compose are installed.
  2. Run: docker-compose up -d
  3. Access the application at http://localhost:3000

See for detailed instructions.

API Configuration

The frontend is configured to proxy API requests to the backend:

  • In development, API requests are proxied from /api/* to http://localhost:8000/*.
  • The API base URL is set to /api in frontend/web/src/lib/api.js.

Database Configuration

  • Development: SQLite database at backend/vacation_planner.db.
  • Production: PostgreSQL (configure in backend/app/models/

Database Initialization

The application requires several database tables and initial data:

  1. Users: Default user with ID 1 is created by
  2. Time Budget: Default time budget with 20 accrued days is created.
  3. Policy: Default policy with max 30 days and no blackout dates is created.
  4. Holidays: Sample 2025 US holidays are added by


  • Web: Deploy to Vercel (deploy/web/vercel.json).
  • Mobile: Build with Capacitor (deploy/mobile/
  • Backend: Deploy to (deploy/backend/fly.toml).
  • Full Stack: Deploy with Docker Compose (see


  • Architecture: docs/
  • API Spec: docs/
  • Database Schema: docs/
  • Docker Deployment:
  • Roadmap: docs/

Development Resources

  • Improvement Plan: docs/
  • Testing Examples: docs/
  • Environment Setup: docs/
  • Code Quality Setup: docs/
  • CI/CD Setup: docs/
  • Improvement Summary: docs/


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the following files for details:

  • LICENSE: The full Apache 2.0 license text
  • COPYRIGHT: Copyright notice
  • NOTICE: Attribution notices for third-party components


  • Open issues/PRs on GitHub.
  • Ensure tests pass (backend/tests/ - placeholder).
  • Follow the architecture in docs/.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo: git clone
  2. Follow setup instructions above.
  3. Visit http://localhost:5173 (web) or run the mobile app.


  • If you encounter database errors, ensure you've run python in the backend directory.
  • For API 404 errors, check that both backend and frontend servers are running.
  • The Vite dev server proxies API requests to the backend - ensure the proxy configuration in frontend/web/vite.config.js is correct.
  • If no vacation suggestions appear, make sure you've added holidays with python

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