
Svelte Workspace Layout


Once you've cloned the project and installed dependencies with npm install, start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open

Package Usage

1.) Create a configuration

const config: WorkspaceLayoutConfiguration = {
    borderWidth_px: 1,
    controlBar_backgroundColor: "darkslategray",
    controlBarButton_color: "ghostwhite",
    tabButtonStyle: tabButtonStyle,
    tabButtonStyleHover: tabButtonStyleHover,
    minimizeLeftbarOnStart: true,
    minimizeBottombarOnStart: false

2.) Declare the content wrapped content at the top level of the document.

Use a parentId of either "leftsidebar" or "bottomsidebar" depending on desired initial location. If more than one ContentWrapper share a parentId, the content in that parent will be tabbed. If no ContentWrapper is placed in either parentId, that parent will not be displayed.

<ContentWrapper parentId="leftsidebar" name="CONTENT 2">
    <div slot="content">CONTENT 2</div>

3.) Declare the workspace layout component in the document.

<WorkspaceLayout config={config}>
    <div slot="main-content">CONTENT</div>

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