Rails-Svelte-Boilerplate Svelte Themes

Rails Svelte Boilerplate

A repository configured with Rails, Svelte, and TailwindCSS

Rails + Svelte Boilerplate

App Screenshot



This project is no longer maintained. It's successor can be found here: https://github.com/joekrump/svelte-rails

Ruby: 2.5.6 Bundler: 2.1.4


  1. Install rails dependencies: bundle install
  2. Setup Database: rake db:setup
  3. Install javascript dependencies: yarn install
  4. Install Overmind
  5. Start the app by running yarn start


  • Quickly create new components by running rails g component <component_name>.
    • Render a component in a .erb file using the component method from application_helper.rb. Ex.
      <%= component("Button", { }, { }, "I'm a Svelte component!") %>


These articles have helped me out in getting this project configured:

  1. https://blog.echobind.com/optimal-ruby-on-rails-setup-for-2020-db8ea2b2c798
  2. https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/evil-front-part-1
  3. https://blog.usejournal.com/getting-started-with-svelte-and-rails-6-d8384c80ad6c

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