A Svelte webcomponent to easily create a new beautiful resume and embed it on your website or print it as a pdf.
Go to my website https://joefong.xyz to see what the 'resumeObj' object looks like.
import ClassicTheme from './ClassicTheme.svelte';
<ClassicTheme {...resume}/>
Include script in head or body
<script src="/path/to/file/resume-jfs/build/bundle.js"></script>
Include script in head or body
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/resume-jfs.js"></script>
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ npm i resume-jfs
- only has 'classic' theme for now.resume
- a JSON object passed in as a spread prop.ISC Free Software, Hell Yeah!