svelte-cmd-generator Svelte Themes

Svelte Cmd Generator

A simple svelte site that helps generate specific linux command line options.

Command Generator

This is a simple Svelte app that generates commands for the rsync program based on selected options. In the future more programs will be added like ssh.


  • Allows users to select options such as source and destination directories.
  • Generates rsync commands based on the selected options.
  • Provides the generated command for users to copy and use.

Getting Started


Make sure you have Node.js and yarn installed on your machine.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd svelte-cmd-generator
  3. Install dependencies:

    yarn install

Running the App

To run the app locally, use the following command:

yarn run dev

The app will be accessible at http://localhost:5173.


  1. Select the source and destination directories.
  2. Customize additional options such as excluding certain files or directories.
  3. The generated rsync command will be displayed, ready for you to copy and use.
  4. You can modify the options or extend the functionality as needed for your project.


To build the app for production, use the following command:

yarn run build

This will generate optimized files in the `public` directory, which you can deploy

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