sveltekit-dashboard Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Dashboard

Johnny's take on the Next/Learn course... but implementing with SvelteKit!

SvelteKit Dashboard

This is Johnny's take on the free Nextjs to SvelteKit course, which is a take on Next/Learn but implementing with SvelteKit!


See Johnny develop this app live on his channel:

i18n / Contributing

The easiest way to contribute to this open source project is to add a translation for your language! You may do that with the help of the inlang editor, and raising a PR!

No need to checkout the project, running the dev server or anything, just use the inlang web UI 😄

But if you do want a more "into the weeds" contribution...


Before anything, install dependencies with:

pnpm install

You will need a version of Node for that command to work correctly. This project uses Volta, which will automatically switch to the correct version of Node for you!


Start a development server with:

pnpm run dev

Environment Variables

You will need a set of environment variables for this app to work correctly. You can copy .env.example into your .env file, and substitute the mock values as needed.


You will need a Postgres database for this app to work correctly. The typesafe ORM + Migrator of choice for this project is Prisma, and you can use pnpx prisma migrate reset to reset your connected database, realign its schema and seed it with some sample data.

Note that the seed script needs Bun, so make sure you have that installed!

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