
Plex Playlist Manager

Playlist manager for Plex in Svelte

Plex Playlist Manager

An Svelte app that allows you to use touch/drag/drop to manage your Plex playlists easier on an iPad. The app is fully self-contained in the browser and does not use or require backend server - API calls are made from browser (fetch). Works on desktop as well, but you lose the touch drag/drop functionality. Does not work well on iPhone because the layout won't work on it.

You can:

  • filter library view by most common filters (by year, decade, actor, director, genre, studio, country and rating)
  • sort library view by title, year, release date, duration, rating, date added, date last viewed
  • create/edit/delete playlists (only create regular playlist, not smart lists yet)
  • drag and drop movies into regular playlists
  • drag to reorder playlist content

Try it

Note: You will need to allow mixed-content if your Plex Server on your localnetwork doesn't support https.

If you access your local plex server like this: instead of https://, then make sure you allow mixed-content for the above URL, otherwise you will not see any playlists or movies loading on your screen.


The actual production code is in the /docs directory because Github Pages will only allow pages from the docs/ path or the master branch, so this was the easiest way to host the app.

install and build

# install parcel-bundler

  > yarn add parcel-bundler --dev

# run it 

  > yarn dev      

Installing required libs

  1. Sass
* For installing sass, was supposed to run:

> yarn add -D sass   # as per docs - but didnt' work

Needed to run:

> yarn add node-sass
  1. Babel and required class-properties polyfill
 yarn add --dev @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties

 install svelte

 yarn add --dev svelte
 yarn add --dev parcel-plugin-svelte
 yarn add --dev parcel-bundler

 add core-js 

 yarn add core-js (not as --dev) !!

 yarn add svelte-preprocess

follow this: 

More on parcel:

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