apollo-server3-sveltekit Svelte Themes

Apollo Server3 Sveltekit

The Ultimate Integration of Apollo Server 3 for Your SvelteKit App


Welcome to the integration of Apollo Server 3 and SvelteKit! This combination is ideal for the development of efficient and smooth web applications. SvelteKit provides you with an easy-to-use tool to create powerful web apps with Apollo Server 3. With this library, you can fully utilize the capabilities of both frameworks to create amazing applications.


To install this module, run the following command in your terminal:

npm install apollo-server3-sveltekit


yarn add apollo-server3-sveltekit


Before anything, you must create a file +server.ts in the src/routes/api/ folder of your SvelteKit project.


  • To use this function, first import it in your code:

    import { createHandler } from 'apollo-server3-sveltekit'
  • then you can use the createHandler function to create an Apollo Server handler:

    const typeDefs = `
    type Query {
      ping: String
    const resolvers = {
      Query: {
        ping: () => {
          return 'pong'
    const handler = createHandler({
      context: (params: any) => params,
    export { handler as GET, handler as POST }


If you want to make more advanced configurations or see the difference of apollo server 3 with older versions, you can see the official Apollo Server documentation here.


Created by jjjjose - 2022

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