zoom-zoom-svelte Svelte Themes

Zoom Zoom Svelte

Zoom Zoom

A skeleton project for Zoom Zoom. Uses Svelte (not sveltekit) to generate a single index.html file.

Can be tested with https://github.com/Stengo/DeskPad (hopefully?)

NOTE: The place where I found the Svelte PresentationAPI code is https://github.com/search?q=presentationConnection+svelte+canCast&type=code (might not be very good though).


Here's my current thinking:

  1. The web part of the app gets built in Svelte + Vite (TypeScript).
  • This would work great as a standalone html file, except new PresentationRequest(url) needs a valid url for the "receiver", see this and this thread
  • Here's the viewer.html example which is what would have to be served in the url in new PresentationRequest(url).
  1. That means we need some kind of server. I tried two options:
  2. Creating a Go server works surprisingly well, see my conversation with Claude. HOWEVER, it would need https://github.com/progrium/darwinkit to run the app's lifecycle properly if I wanna bundle into a an app bundle, like this
  3. There is py2app for python too, and that should work except when I tried it it was a horrible mess of dependencies and lots of horrible stuff. It's way heavier than the go server above.


  • Create the server such that it just exposes the index.html (generated from this Svelte project) and the viewer (with any needed JS and stuff there, see viewer.html)
  • Modify the Go example from https://github.com/progrium/darwinkit to run a simple server, and try to bundle that into a .app. It should work
  • Test that once that is working, the Presentation API actually works as intended.
  • Finish all the other stuff! (The actual UI)

Notes on Christian's requirements

  • Alphabetic order to preserve some kind of muscle memory. Rearranging the images isn't good
  • "Clicking" should only be used for changing the image.
  • Scrolling with the mouse takes too long.
  • Don't dim the images.
  • There will be an archivist looking at this repo. Make their life easy
  • My idea for the above is to host a version of this on GitHub pages (a publicly accessible one that he can use) but also to give them a bundled executable which should work offline and under all other circumstances.

Useful commands

This repo was created with:

pnpm create vite@latest 
pnpm install vite-plugin-singlefile --save-dev

Build Svelte app:

pnpm i
pnpm run build

Building Go app binary into dist folder:

GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o dist/zoomzoom server.go  

Buidling if if using https://github.com/progrium/darwinkit:

GOOS=darwin go build server.go

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