
Vite Svelte Tailwind3 Smelte Ts

Svelte + TS + Vite + Smelte

This is template/bootstrap combining:

  • Vite
  • Svelte 3
  • Tailwind CSS 3
  • Smelte (via fork which corrects dependencies in package.json)
  • TypeScript

Similar to the template at sveltekit-tailwind3-smelte which uses svelte-kit, this one builds on the vite template directly, without svelte-kit.

While both use vite as the underlying dev server/bundler, svelte-kit has a very opinionated approach. This version uses a simple SPA approach with a single index.html.


npm install
npm run dev
# or
npm run build


The following are dependencies used by smelte which must be added to your project:

  • tailwind-css-variables
  • lodash
  • rollup-plugin-postcss
  • merge-deep
  • svelte-waypoint
  • svelte-typed-component
  • tinycolor2
npm install --save-dev \
  tailwind-css-variables lodash rollup-plugin-postcss merge-deep svelte-waypoint \
  svelte-typed-component tinycolor2

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