keystone-svelte-renderer Svelte Themes

Keystone Svelte Renderer

A Keystonejs document renderer in Svelte 5

Keystone Svelte Renderer

This is an unofficial Svelte 5 port of Keystonejs's Document Renderer.


npm i -D keystone-svelte-renderer


<script lang="ts">
    import Renderer from 'keystone-svelte-renderer';

    // this should be replaced with your Keystone Document content
    import { content } from './sample-content.js';

<article class="my-4 px-8">
    <Renderer document={content.document}></Renderer>


Currently styling is left to the user. The library is only concerned with rendering they Keystone document to the DOM.

Here's a sample style for the above code.

<style lang="postcss">
    article :global {
        h1 {
            @apply my-4 scroll-m-20 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight lg:text-5xl;

        h2 {
            @apply my-4 scroll-m-20 border-b pb-2 text-3xl font-semibold tracking-tight transition-colors first:mt-0;

        h3 {
            @apply my-3 scroll-m-20 text-2xl font-semibold tracking-tight;

        h4 {
            @apply my-2 scroll-m-20 text-xl font-semibold tracking-tight;

        h5 {
            @apply my-2 scroll-m-20 text-lg font-medium tracking-tight;

        h6 {
            @apply my-2 scroll-m-20 font-medium tracking-tight;

        p {
            @apply leading-7 [&:not(:first-child)]:mt-6;

        em {
            @apply italic;

        u {
            @apply underline;

        strong {
            @apply font-bold;

        s {
            @apply line-through;

        sub {
            @apply text-sm;

        sup {
            @apply text-sm;

        a {
            @apply font-medium underline underline-offset-4;

        ul {
            @apply my-6 ml-6 list-disc [&>li]:mt-2;

        ol {
            @apply my-6 ml-6 list-decimal [&>li]:mt-2;

        blockquote {
            @apply mt-6 border-l-2 pl-6 italic;


You can override the default renderers.

<!-- CustomParagraph.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
    import type { Snippet } from 'svelte';

    interface Props {
        children?: Snippet;
        [key: string]: unknown;

    let { tag, children, ...restAttributes }: Props = $props();

<!-- your paragraph with some custom styling -->
<p class="text-red-500" {...restAttributes}>
    {@render children?.()}
<script lang="ts">
    import Renderer, { defaultRenderer } from 'keystone-svelte-renderer';
  import CustomParagraph from './CustomParagraph.svelte'

  // override the paragraph's renderer
  const customRenderer== {
    paragraph: CustomParagraph

    // this should be replaced with your Keystone Document content
    import { content } from './sample-content.js';

<article class="my-4 px-8">
    <Renderer document={content.document} renderers={customRenderers}></Renderer>

Node types that can be overridden

Node type Additional Attributes Default Tag
bold strong
italic em
underline u
strikethrough s
code code
keyboard kbd
subscript sub
superscript sup
relationship span
link a
blockquote blockquote
heading node.level h
paragraph node.textAlign p
layout node.layout div
layout-area div
divider hr
ordered-list ol
unordered-list ul
list-item li
list-item-content null (is a text node)

Node types (or custom components) outside the above list are not supported as of now.

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