svelte-hydrated Svelte Themes

Svelte Hydrated

šŸ’§ Indicating hydration status by svelte-store


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šŸ’§ Indicating hydration status by svelte-store



npm i svelte-hydrated


The $hydrated store is updated to true at the next tick when the browser is true

  import { hydrated } from 'svelte-hydrated'
  import { slide } from 'svelte/transition'

{#if $hydrated}
  <h2 transition:slide>Hydrated</h2>
  <h2 transition:slide>Not Hydrated</h2>

Why not use browser ?

The browser ($app/environment) is useful for identifying the execution environment of the code, but its value is determined before the first rendering is started.
This means that transition etc. will not be triggered when hydration completes.
The $hydrated store is updated to true at the next tick when the browser is true, making it simpler to set transition.



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