
Async Observer

šŸ”­ Make Promise state observable as a string


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šŸ”­ Make Promise state observable as a string


import { observable } from '@jill64/async-observer'

const { status, observed } = observable({
  // FULFILLED => IDLE at 100ms
  resolveToIdle: 100,
  // REJECTED => IDLE at 500ms
  rejectToIdle: 500

const run = observed(async () => {
  // e.g. Duration as 1000ms
  await yourAsyncFunction()

let str = ''

status.subscribe((status) => {
  str = status

// str => IDLE


// str => PENDING

// ā†“ After the 1000ms

// str => FULFILLED

// ā†“ After the 100ms

// str => IDLE

Compatibility for svelte store

Since status is implemented according to svelte store, it can be used in svelte applications as follows

  import { observable } from '@jill64/async-observer'

  const { status, observed } = observable()

  $: set = observed(async () => {
    await yourAsyncFunction()

<button on:click={set}>Button</button>




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