climate_color_svelte Svelte Themes


Data story on climate change scenarios

Climate colors


WIP user-driven data story comparing your climate stripes (temp anomaly compared to 1850-1990) and another selected person's climate stripes, under a selected climate scenario.

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Annual temperature anomalies relative to the pre-industrial levels (1850-1900), using both historical (up to 2023) and projected (from 2023 onwards) data. Historical data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), calculating the mean of six datasets: HadCRUT5, NOAA, GlobalTemp, GISTEMP, ERA5 1, and JRA55. Data for the projected temperature anomalies based on the five SSP scenarios after 2023 are from the IPCC Sixth Assessment report. Ideally, the historical and projected data would come from the same source, but IPCC’s historical data is not as up-to-date as WMO’s data. Because of this, we’ve chosen to combine two sources.

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