carrusel Svelte Themes


A simple and dependency-free carousel for Svelte that is SSR-compatible.


A simple and dependency-free carousel for Svelte
that is SSR-compatible.

Why Carrusel?

Carrusel is designed to be mounted in the DOM without depending on JavaScript, ensuring fast and efficient loading of your carousels, significantly enhancing the user experience. Additionally, by not relying on JavaScript, search engines can easily index the content of your carousels, improving the visibility of your application in search results and aiding in SEO.


npm install carrusel


  import { Carrusel, CarruselSlide } from 'carrusel'

  <CarruselSlide>Slide 1</CarruselSlide>
  <CarruselSlide>Slide 2</CarruselSlide>
  <CarruselSlide>Slide 3</CarruselSlide>
  <CarruselSlide>Slide 4</CarruselSlide>
  <CarruselSlide>Slide 5</CarruselSlide>

For more details, please refer to the documentation.


Your donations are greatly appreciated and help to sustain the project.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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